Friday, December 17, 2010

got to be hurried....:)

hi miss blog,

i miss u already.Got so many things happened for the past few weeks...apapun,Alhamdulillah,syukur kepada Allah,yang telah menentu atur setiap perjalanan hambaNya. Sekarang,syu n husband,struggle membesarkan twin dengan lebih baik tanpa bantuan dari  minah endon..lega jgk rasanya bila xder org luar dlm rumah.Then,terfikir balik,lately,Allah betul2 mdengar doaku.Syu pernah berdoa cuti sekolah ni nak betul2 spend masa dengan twins( tu pun selepas tgk aril dah macam confused saper mama dia..mbak tri ker mama dia).Alhamdulillah,Ariel yang lebih rapat dgn minah endon ni,ingatkan dia nak demam rindukan mbak dia,tp...macam x kehilangan pun,makin happy jer .

Ni dia 1st day tanpa mbak dia
ni Oshin plak,,bkn main hepi lagi twins tanpa orang asing

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

new year vs old resolution

miss blog,
hari ni sangat2 mengantuk,pukul 6 pun baru nak lelap,dah si twin melalak lagi,reaksi nak tumbuh gigi kot,
K oshin had her 3rd fall today..dah turunkan tilam ke bawah pun,dia masih nak menyusup ke lantai.pagi td dah mengantuk sgt,dgr suara dia menangis.cari dia atas tilam xder,dia dah masuk bawak kerusi kat tv ..susah pulak nak keluar kan dia ,macamana la dia ble masuk kat situ,alahai anak bertuah...bila mummy dukung jer,ble sengih 2 jer...bersabar je la
ni lah anak bertuah ku,oshin sizuka .

Monday, December 6, 2010

Awal Muharam 1432 H...Selamat datang tahun baru...

miss blog,
i think i'm going to get my lovely hubby Man U merchandise,got something from amazon and order today,hopefully it'll reach on time..surprise :)

Hari ni Alhamdulillah,sempat baca doa akhir tahun ( selalunya bonda ingatkan,tapi hari ni my fwen hus ingatkan di fb,thanx dude ) dan baca doa awal tahun serta Yasin.
Doa syu agar keluarga syu dilimpahi rahmat dan keberkatan dari Nya.Dan jadikan syu anak yang solehah kepada mak dan ayah serta isteri yang solehah kepada suami tersayang .Doa syu lagi agar anak2 menjadi anak2 yg soleh dan solehah,sihat dan diberi akal yang bijak serta akhlak yang terpuji seperti junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad SAW.Amin
Untuk semua,Salam Maal Hijrah.

Friday, December 3, 2010

baby 'twilight' in da making

hi miss blog,

just read this news:
November 7, 2010: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are pictured on the set, shooting 'Breaking Dawn's second half, 'Isle of Esme'/Honeymoon scenes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Credit:  Ref: INF-00|sp|
While millions have read the ‘Twilight’ series story of how a vampire/human baby was conceived and born (admit it…you read it too!), bringing such a vivid birth to the big screen has posed quite a challenge for filmmakers.
OK! reports:

The difficult birth of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen’s child is one of the most terrifying scenes in the whole Twilight series, and Kristen can’t wait to film it! “Bella does change a lot,” Kristen, 20, says. “She [becomes] such a mother. I think it will be awesome to see how much she’s changed from Twilight, where she’s a 17-year-old kid who doesn’t really care a whole lot, to see her become this matriarch.”

But Bella’s new maturity occurs only after she goes through the agony of delivering her half-human, half-vampire daughter, with the aid of Edward (Robert Pattinson). And the early word on the script of Breaking Dawn, which will be released as two movies, is that Renesmee’s birth will be every bit as shocking on screen as it is described in Stephenie Meyer’s novel.
This summer screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg spoke briefly about the part of the scene where Edward bites through the placenta, saying simply, “I don’t think we need to see that.”
Did you cringe while reading Stephenie Meyers’ stomach-clenching description of Renesmee’s birth? Do you think the movie will be able to live up to such an intense birth scene?

Photo: INF

i was a huge fan of robert pattinson,and adore him so much during my baby boy turn out handsome like him..:) what a gift:) thank you Allah ..

n with his twin..happily like bella n edward :)

3 month old ariel putra                                                                                              the latest,10 month old

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

new craze

miss blog,

Usually,loneliness can make me more creative than before.Creating invitation card for this coming Aqiqah only takes more-less 1 hour.
and siap ngan envelope..dah macam kenduri kawen ni,sekor lembu tumbang,untuk yang mengenali yang berdekatan jemput mai umah 26 hb nanti yer.Syu jer xlama,hari kenduri tu jugak kene blk kl coz got meeting on the next day.